Friday, February 17, 2012

WaCkY hAiR

You may not have been able to tell by previous pictures, but Rosalie has an entire head full of blonde hair.  We love it!!!

And Ty likes to pull stunts like this with it...

Happy Baby!

I had to tame it down later (which can actually be hard to do since the back of her hair has such a mind of it's own:). We had a Dr. apptoinment to go to and I couldn't have her looking too wacky :)...

Vanna has had some wacky hair too.  I did her hair in three tight knots, in the front, the other day and when I took them out the following day, this is what it looked like...

Gotta' love our girls!!!


Marcy M Miller said...

I can't believe Vanna's hair, 2 very cute girls.

amber-girl said...

Oh my goodness, she is so cute I could die!!!!!! What a darling!!!! (all of your kids are!)

Cami Jo said...

That is ADORABLE!!! I love all the hair. Her face is priceless too, with the crazy hair! And Vanna's is killing me! Too funny!