Cash has been so facsinated with bugs (and this has been for a while) and we've seen some new bugs lately that caught his attention; one of which was a preying mantis.
We also saw a black widow spider just outside our front door. It scared me to death. At first I thought it was just another spider so as I was taking out the garbage I thought I'd smash it with some of the garbage I had in hand. As I got closer I realized how big it was and because of the way it looked I said to myself, "I wonder if that is a black widow." Well, I hit it with the garbage and it happened to flip the spider over and lo and behold there was a red hour-glass shape on it's belly. Yikes! I quickly stepped on it and put it in the dumpster with the rest of my garbage. It really made me nervous because Cash will touch most any bug and want to play with it. It made me realize I need to carefully teach him that some can be very dangerous. Anyway, that has been our excitement.
Yikes! that is scary. I really don't likes bugs or spiders at all.
Although we have kept a few living in the bathroom for a while, cause I wouold rather have those few little spiders then the freaky silver fish, those are the worst ever! (and the love the bathroom!)
Carson ate a grasshopper a few weeks ago. BOYS!!!
I can't wait for you guys to come to town. I would love to do lunch, however I will be in Utah for a friends wedding and Carson's birthday until Sunday. If you are still around the monday or so, let me know. I want to call and talk to ya anyway, to see how you are doing. We'll talk then!
PS: I wouldn't have even known what a black widow spider looked like. Black? Good for you for even knowing what to look for!
I hate, hate spider and bugs. Hallee is also so fascinated with bugs and spiders- that is so scary that you saw a black widow, I would probably flip out and have my house sprayed. Do you still want me to make Vanna a princess tutu? Let me know.
I think bugs and boys go hand in hand. Its good to know that you found the black widow instead of Cash. We haven't seen any black widows but we do have Hobo spiders. i however, haven't seen one but we found thier nest in our yard. I was a little creeped out. Tell Cash that preying mantis are neat bugs they eat the spiders we hate.
Sammi thinks preying mantis' are the coolest ever, we love finding them! And holy YIKES about the black widow. It's so funny, with little bugs, Sammi always thinks we have to step of them or squish them and I have to remind her that we only squish the ones that come into our house where they don't belong, but outside is their home, and we need to leave them alone. I am only truly afraid of the spiders that are poisonous.
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